
Transitioning to Daytime Nutrition After 6 Months

Once your baby reaches six months old, nighttime feedings often become less about nutritional necessity and more about comfort and habit. This is an ideal time to begin transitioning your baby’s calorie intake from night to day. Understanding the biology of how a baby’s body regulates calorie needs can help make this transition smoother and […]

Creating the Perfect Nursery

Creating the Perfect Nursery

When you first got pregnant, how long did it take before you started visualizing what your baby’s nursery was going to look like? Go ahead. I won’t judge. Because for me, it was about an hour and a half. At first, I was thinking zoo animals. But then, I thought about how much I used […]

Switching to a Big Kid Bed

Switching to a Big Kid Bed

One of the most common questions I get asked as a baby sleep consultant is, “When should we move him into a big kid bed?” My favorite answer to this is, “Later,” and there are a couple of reasons why I say that. Number one is because there are so many other priorities when it […]

How to Drop to One Nap

How to Drop to One Nap

One of the nicest transitions I experienced with my first born was when we decided to consolidate his two short daytime naps into one big one, right in the middle of the day. I can’t deny it, I loved the time off in the middle of the day. He went from sleeping an hour and […]